I support aware parents, partners, and space-holders to turn their stuckness, stress and pain into the awakening and growth they're meant to be.
Book an inquiry session to better understand how to evolve beyond your story and experience the freedom, presence, and grace you've been searching for.

What do you notice about the life
you're living right now?
Are you caught in a cycle and patterned ways of being that leave you craving change?
Do you notice the same story and life situations repeating themselves?
As an aware soul, you know there is a way through these patterns of emotional struggle, pain, and overwhelm, but you aren't fully grounded in the tools, knowledge or have the support needed to free yourself.
It is time to embody the empowered YOU, release resentments, tap into your potential for healing, learn and implement the strategies needed to transform your life, reclaim your inner strength and tap into grace. For you and your loved ones.
Maybe you understand you're responsible for your own happiness, fulfillment and healing and that the quality of your life is only equal to your habits.
You’ve heard the outside is a reflection of your own inner world and on some level you believe all problems are portals to richer understanding, awakening and growth.
Yet, like most, you have a hard time embodying these ideas, unless the challenges are small and you have the necessary tools and mentorship needed to turn towards (and embrace) that which you most judge, resist and feel trapped in.

Well let me tell you, your darkest, most challenging obstacles are, indeed, a divine portal to finding your purpose, realizing your fullest potential, connecting to the most authentic you and tapping into consciousness itself...
…and I’d like to support you.
I'm not here to empower you — I simply provide the tools and hold the space for you to recognize your own power. We are hard-wired with awareness, intuition, inner strength, innate knowledge and healing ability; I hold the space for you to see YOU.

I have spent a lifetime seeking transformation, growth and miracles in my life’s challenges.
I have healed my body of dis-ease, overcome limiting self-concepts, accomplished pain-free child birth, experienced unity consciousness, and raised three kids with mindfulness.
Yet, all of those accomplishments are only as good as my ability to let them go, stay in the moment and maintain my wholeness.
I have learned (and have been reminded when I've strayed) that maintaining my daily inner practice is the source of miracles and fulfilment; therefore, the true miracle is my practice.

Transcendent Mantra Meditation is a tool for rediscovering the body’s own inner intelligence.
It's a journey to the center of our very being; to discover emotional freedom, stress release, restful sleep, and improved health; it's a journey of reawakening to our unconditioned self.
Transcendent meditation is the most direct way to experience inner silence, creativity, peace and well-being, and is an essential practice for our conscious evolution.
Nothing outside of you will ever be your answer. The freedom you seek is only ever found within.

Conscious Connected Breathing affects how we think, feel and move throughout our life. It is both a reflection and an expression of our presence.
Our breath is the bridge that links our internal and external worlds. Conscious Connected Breathing brings us into our bodies and assists in clearing emotional, physical and energetic blockages, and trauma (I use this as a somatic integration tool in all my workshops).
When we change the way we breathe, we change the way we live.
Forgiveness transforms anger and pain into healing and emotional freedom so that we can live the most joyful, authentic expression of ourselves.
When we use inquiry and directed writing to find the answers to our unresolved wounds, it has a way of radically dissolving depression, frustration, resentments and sadness, and it transforms patterns of self-sabotage, guilt, shame and unworthiness that keep us stuck.
When we unfold and reframe our story, we return to grace, ease and truth.
Well, it’s not some ultra-spiritual concept where we are taught to disown our shadows, anger and pain (or believe we have moved past them).
Nor is it a restricted psychology-based development program where we try to intellectually understand our lost, fragmented, child selves and rehash our old dramas (mental understanding is only the first step and can potentially reinforce old stories).
There is a common notion in Western society, and in certain therapeutic models, that there is something wrong with you that needs fixing or that you have been a victim of circumstance. Therefore, there is a tendency to focus on, disown, blame or attempt to superficially hide these so-called problems.
Therapy For The Soul is where we take a look at the perfection, the gift, and the lessons within life’s so-called obstacles or emotional and behavioural patterns.
Everything that happens in life is a doorway to reclaim the most forgotten part of ourselves — our soul — referred to by names like: our true Self, our spiritual intelligence, our enlightened self, authentic nature or innate wisdom.
Most dis-ease and emotional struggles come from the fact that we have a deep split between our humanness (conditioned self) and our beingness (true Self) — we have lost our expansive connection to something greater than ourselves.
All throughout history people who have attained success, healing and enlightenment say there are two contributing factors — both integrating their darkest hours and strengthening their innate connection within.
We are called "human-beings" for a reason. We need to understand and unravel the human-condition and reconnect our human-spirit. Both ends of the pole are there for a reason and both need to be honoured and acknowledged — otherwise how can we experience our wholeness.
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