"A good leader inspires others with confidence; a great leader ignites others own inner confidence."
Testimonials for
one-on-one Therapy for the Soul Sessions
"Working with Keli has been a gift unto myself. Keli’s somatic attunement and intuitive guidance into presence allows such a safe container for any client to truly experience anxiety, fear, trauma, or any life hurdle with dignity, and understanding. Thus, giving you the space need to transform and empower your own self. Her teaching method and breathwork also gives you the tools and context to move through difficult emotions. I have much gratitude for her life’s work and how it has helped me in such a short period of time"
Somatic Therapist
I can’t say enough about what a gift it is to work with Keli. There is something very special about her that words cannot fully describe. Keli has a gracious, non-judgement way of helping you unlock the layers of feelings and emotions hidden away inside yourself. She is 100% present, warm, and accepting. Keli’s mastery shines through in her ability to connect, create a safe environment, teach, and help guide you back to your inner truth, knowing, and strength. I am forever grateful for having Keli help me navigate my life’s journey.”
I booked 6 sessions with Keli after our initial introductory phone call. I had been dealign with a lot of anger, anxiety and intense past experiences. With each session she took me on a journey of unraveling my story and held a safe place for me to share. I have worked with many counsellors over the years Keli's approach is like no other. She has a way of allowing you to go deeper into issues that you'd never be able to do on your own. She is compassionate, caring, understanding and incredible knowledgable! I can say that only after 6 sessions I feel like a completely new woman and have tools to conquer anything that may arise in the future. I have told family and friends about her and will continue to do so. I have so much gratitude for the gift of peace and a clear mind that she provided for me!"
Personal Trainer, Meditation and Mindset Teacher and Mom.
I started working with Keli after leaving a 10 year relationship which had gone very toxic. I was traumatised from events that had happened and felt completely lost, not knowing who I was anymore or where I was going, my confidence was at an all time low. I was recommended to Keli by a friend for Conscious Uncoupling®, this felt like the right approach for me, I wanted to heal from my previous relationship and feel empowered rather than victimised. We worked through the steps each week and by week 4 I felt like I had let go mentally, physically and energetically, the shift was palpable. I have continued to work with Keli to help me find me again and put plans in place for what I want out of life moving forward. I cannot recommend Keli enough, she holds space for me in the most caring way, listens and questions with curiosity and guides me lovingly to my inner wisdom. A wonderful heart centred person, thank you Keli.”
Yoga and Meditation Teacher
Keli was my North Star during a very dark time and I will be forever grateful. Keli lives what she teaches and it is so obvious in her ability to trust the process, even when you may not be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I am very grateful for her as my spiritual healing seems to be unbreakably linked to my physical healing and the work I have done with her has opened my life up to move past illness into health."
Mother and business owner
Doing one-to-one work with Keli has been nothing short of transformative. I approached Keli after breathwork sessions had revealed some uncomfortable belief systems that I didn't really know how to deal with and was scared to face. Keli was able to take me deeper into the victim narratives that I was carrying around, gently guiding me into places I either didn't know where there (because they were repressed) or they were places I ordinarily would be too scared to explore. Keli's humility, compassion, integrity and wisdom really made me feel safe and supported in unearthing some deep beliefs - mainly about the world being unsafe - that I had picked up from childhood. I still feel like there's so much work to be done, and I am still processing what we've unearthed. But my awareness of myself has greatly deepened, which is such a gift. I am so incredibly grateful for Keli and her work. The world needs more people like Keli!
Life Coach, Meditation Teacher and Breathwork Facilitator
It's been over a year since my forgiveness sessions with Keli, and I'd like to share how things have shifted for me. My relationships with family members have shifted in huge and positive ways, without any additional communication or "work". Our dynamics subtly shifted over the time as a result. One day I just noticed I had not been involved in any of the regular family drama; more than that I barely received any contact from family I felt I needed space from, and the interactions we did have were always positive. I feel as though I've been elevated to a space where I cannot be touched by negativity, where I can see things clearly without being triggered . This is a huge blessing and gift.
Yoga Teacher, Breathwork Facilitator and Trainer
"Keli is a real gifted healer who had the skill to help me navigate through the layers of protection I had created which had cut me off from my beautiful innocent Self.
Heavy Machinery Mechanic/Breathwork Facilitator
I was very apprehensive to work with Keli. I knew deep down I would need to bring all of myself (to our sessions): my deepest insecurities, real authenticity and the courage to meet the darkest parts of myself which had been keeping me separate and in fear.
Keli was like a kind and gentle soul guiding me home to the safety and the truth of my Being. There was never any push or agenda and she held the space for me to bring whatever I felt comfortable and ready to work with. Because of this I was able to go so deep into my process and meet the darkness – all I had made up about myself and the world. In this meeting there was a holy encounter, where the darkness just evaporated into love. The relief and joy from this experience cannot be fully explained in words.
After my six sessions I can say I feel a massive transformation and able to meet my life challenges from a new perspective with courage and confidence knowing it will all be OK. I feel a greater connection to myself, to life and to God. I look forward to working more with Keli to grow and evolve into the real me"
"I feel like I accomplished more in three sessions with Keli, than I did in three years of counselling. The sessions got me to a point where I was previously unable to reach - a place of deep understanding and peace with my past experiences and trauma.
Keli helped me tune into the very deep emotions I often avoided. Now I feel a lot more capable of processing these emotions within the safety of my body and self.
Keli's highly intuitive approach has enabled me to solidify my sense of trust in my instincts, and I am excited to move forward in my life with this newly reinforced foundation of self-acceptance and compassion."
Writer, Creative Co-Ordinator
"I came to Keli having done years of 'talk therapy' on and off throughout my life. I sought more. I sought deeper answers and greater understanding within myself to stop the continual cycle of attracting the undesirable into my life or at least to understand what was happening. I was tired, hurt and bewildered. I wanted to be honest with myself as to my past pains and actually heal them so that I could be a fuller more conscious human on this planet. Keli is different. Different than any other therapist I've sat down with.
Real Estate Professional
Calm, kind, understanding, very spiritually insightful which gave me ease when we met and talked originally and that grew over our sessions together. How she frames situations and feelings was new to me but familiar. We went deeper and instead of just talking through the emotions she helped me feel them and find the origin of them. Breath and feeling the sensations in different parts of my body helped me uncover the origins of the pain and how she frames it is completely unique. I moved into and past emotions that previously I'd only scratched the surface of. And perhaps the greatest gift she gave me was to truly see myself as 'enough'.
An incredibly powerful moment we shared that I'll never forget....and I cry now thinking of that breakthrough. Keli helped me see my value. A value that's not based on anything other than just being me. Precious, invaluable moment that was brought forward with her kind loving guidance. My work with Keli isn't over but I move through this world with a beautiful knowingness and confidence that previously wasn't available to me. I'm beyond grateful for all that Keli's helped me discover about myself. She's special!"
Testimonials for Live Online Courses and Trainings
Making the decision to take Keli’s meditation course was a really smart decision for me. Having burnt out badly three years ago, I’ve since then invested a lot of time and energy into learning how to befriend stillness. As soon as I discovered that Keli was a long-term, experienced meditator, I wanted to know more. Her training did not fall short of my expectations at all, in fact it would be fair to say that it was the single most significant thing, alongside my breathwork that has made a huge difference in my life. Keli’s knowledge is very evident, and her teaching was grounded, clear and structured, an important balance when we are entering the realms of the mysteries of life. Thank you Keli, for offering teachings which have made such a difference to my self awareness and inner peace.
Breathwork Facilitator and Trainer
Keli, just wanted to say thanks again for your today. I feel a much deeper understanding of being present in my body, and I know that fuelled my experience in the breathe afterwards. My body is becoming a safer place to be, and I feel that your teaching helps me to feel more courageous about going to those tricky places with forgiveness and love. Thank you
Breathwork Facilitator and Coach
Why isn't this taught in school? I would have had a much deeper understanding of my mental health challenges and how to work with them. Not only that, but I would have felt so much better about myself. It would have saved me from unnecessary anxiety, shame and trauma. I feel like a completely new person after this course. It is like I am me for the first time in my life.
Young Women
The course truly has been life-changing! The unraveling process has been so insightful. It has helped me to understand and make sense of past suffering, as well as habits/stories that are not serving me well. There have been significant gifts along the way, I’m now able to answer the question: “Who am I?” Thank you for sharing the teachings and practices in such a caring and gentle manner - I felt safe, held, and heard throughout the course!
Business Operator
Keli role-models the calmness and wisdom I wish to reclaim. Her nurturing, encouraging yet firm nature makes her a great coach and mentor. Thank you for embodying the grounded and centered person I want to become - it was so motivating to see what that looks like!
This meditation course was informative, in-depth, authentic and highly beneficial. I cannot describe the difference I feel on a daily basis. Keli has an inspired and beautiful approach to meditation instruction that has proven to be an invaluable asset in my spiritual awakening. She's a game changer!
Real Estate Professional
My relationship with my daughter will never be the same. I can't express my heart felt thanks enough.
Keli effectively shone the light on what was actually available to me through what I could only call true meditation. As a result, my practice has deepened ten-fold and I have experienced far deeper levels of connection, feelings of serenity and... well... transcendence.
Author and Coach
I just wanted to say, "thank you!" Thank you for not only teaching but leading by example. You have made such an impact on my son's mental and emotional health, therefore impacting our family in such a positive way! It is nice to see his smiles again. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!
If I had to pick one word... PEACE. Thank you Keli for your authenticity, wisdom and love that you bring into all you do.
Mother and Photographer
Testimonials for Live Workshops
It is hard to describe Keli’s capacity to facilitate understanding and healing. Her spirit is light and playful; however, she can help lead you to the darkest places and hold the space for you as you bring light to them.
Keli is a gifted teacher able to hold the space for people to do deep, emotional, healing work in a way that is truly supportive and shows genuine caring that facilitates authentic forgiveness and elicits a sense of freedom.
The workshop was transformational! I felt safe, seen and supported in a loving, gentle environment. Being held and witnessed in this nonjudgmental safe space allowed me to take a deeper dive into my healing journey, into myself to gain greater understanding awareness.
I felt the workshop had great value from start to finish. The questions and journal activities were so helpful in bringing deeper clarity and the breathwork was so very powerful allowing insights to settle and take hold.
Keli created a very calm and wonderful environment . It was such a safe place. Truly thankful Keli has come into my world.
I highly recommend Keli as someone with the highest level of integrity and insight for deeply spiritual work.
Her skills and knowledge are vast, and her capacity to hold and support from such a strong heart space while getting what needs to be done in the headspace makes her my go-to person!
Keli lives what she teaches and it is so obvious in her ability to trust the process, even when you may not be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel.
I was nervous to come but the support from Keli and the other attendees was wonderful.
I have so much trust in you and your work - no one does “safe space “ like you do!
Thank you for guiding me through forgiveness, giving me tools to listen to my body and release what I no longer need. I'm feeling much lighter and more powerful.
I liked that it was a group journey. It was good to know other people were going through a similar process and you were't alone. I feel so grateful for this "Soul Therapy" and wouldn't hesitate to seek further assistance.
I do believe that this experience was another layer of my healing and big step towards wholeness. Hold another workshop please!
I had such an amazing experience working with you and feel I could benefit from continued work through your offerings.
As a result of the workshop, I was able to experience something with my parents that I have never experienced before!
I had such a beautiful spiritual experience of healing during our work together. Thank you for the work you do; I feel blessed to have you on this journey.
Keli provided a safe space for everyone to share and connect and I felt very supported throughout the workshop.
I was amazed at what occurred and how I was able to stay present with my body for all of it. Keli had created a safe space for me to let go and let my body lead, very freeing.
Parenting is the hardest responsibility I know of, Keli Carpenter has a unique and powerful influence on her three children. The balance of a mom, a friend and business owner is rare. She blends her personal skills with her mothers intuitions in everyday life.
The greatest legacy we leave our world is a young life , trained to critically think and empowered by compassion to willingly care. Keli excels at raising her children , and surrounding them with the tools they will take forward in their own personal search of excellence.
Keli is mindfulness. She unselfishly serves her family and her community. She shares her presence with all who are fortunate enough to be around her.